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Airline manager

If the non-European worker holds a position of responsibility in an airline company with a place of business in Belgium, the type of authorisation varies according to the period of work in Belgium.
(Art. 20, § 1, 6 DBCR, 16 May 2024)

The airline manager will work in Belgium for more than 90 days.

If the person is staying in Belgium:

Apply for a single permit

The authorisation to work is issued for the duration of the employment contract, for a maximum period of one year. Renewals are possible after that period.

If the person is not living in Belgium (cross-border commuter or working from home outside Belgium):

Apply for a long-term authorisation to work

The authorisation to work is issued for the duration of the employment contract, for a maximum period of one year. Renewals are possible after that period.

The airline manager will work in Belgium for 90 days at most.

(Living in Belgium, cross-border commuter or working from home outside Belgium)

Apply for a short-term authorisation to work

In case of successive jobs without any interruption, the previous periods are taken into account to calculate the 90 days. If the 90 days are exceeded, see procedure single permit.

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