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From 1 October 2024, the regulations governing work permits will change. More information.

Documents to provide in case of an annual inspection of working conditions (employment authorization for more than a year)

Every year, the employer sends the following documents to Brussels Economy and Employment by email to

  1. a completed "annual inspection" form (in French (.pdf) or in Dutch (.pdf))
    Note : this form is to be used only if you were granted a work permit for more than a year. In case of a first authorisation request or a renewal request of an employment authorisation, please always use a form "employment authorization request for more than 90 days" or "employment authorisation request for up to 90 days", according to your case. You can find those forms on the relating web pages;
  2. a photocopy of all the pay slips for the entire period of the employment authorisation that is expiring;
  3. a photocopy of the individual account;
  4. if it concerns a secondment as referred in chapter 8 of title IV of the programme law (I) dated 27 December 2006: the proof of registration in the Limosa cadaster for the entire elapsed work period;
  5.  if it concerns a secondment, and an international agreement concerning social security exists: a copy of the document issued by the foreign social security institution stating that that country's social security legislation continues to apply during residence in Belgium where an international agreement on social security exists or, in the absence of such an international agreement, a document from the Federal Public Service Social Security stating that the worker cannot be subject to Belgian social security, for the elapsed period.These documents must be submitted every year, at the latest a month after the year mark of the validity start date of the employment authorisation."

These documents must be submitted every year, at the latest a month after the anniversary date of the start of validity of the employment authorization.

This obligation ensues from article 36/2 of the royal decree dated 9 June 1999 implementing the law dated 30 April 1999 with regard to employing foreign workers.

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