On this page
Setting up a company
- Primes
Steps before exerting an activity
- Examen du jury central
- Tourist accommodation
- Titres-services
- Private employment agencies
- Alimentation
- Travel agencies
- Soins aux personnes
- Gros-oeuvre
- Plafonnage, cimentage et pose de chapes
- Carrelage, marbre et pierre naturelle
- Toiture et étanchéité
- Placement/réparation de la menuiserie et de la vitrerie
- Menuiserie générale
- Finition
- Installation de chauffage central, de climatisation, de gaz et de sanitaire
- Activités électrotechniques
- Entreprise générale
- Véhicules
- Ambulants et forains
- Autres activités
- Réglementation
- Réforme
- Se faire accompagner
- Compétences professionnelles
- Accredited business counters
Manage and develop your activity
Financial support
- Primes et dédommagement
- Entreprises sociales
- Assistance for Belgian chambers of commerce and business clubs
- Appels à projets
- Recognitions and classifications
- Obligations for recognised companies
- Food analyses BRUCEFO
- Exemplarité
- Diversity
- New activity
- Aides à l'emploi
Financial support
- Training for workers
Non-European nationals
Work permits for employees
Your situation
- Researcher without a hosting agreement
- Researcher with hosting agreement
- Postdoctoral student
- Guest professor
- Director, executive officer or highly qualified worker
- Intra-company temporary transfer (ICT)
- International agreement
- Performing artist
- British (British workers in the BCR)
- Airline company or tourism office
- Congress or meetings
- Servant
- Training
- Cross-border worker
- Provision of services
- Au pair
- Installation of goods or prototype testing
- Journalist
- Seamen
- Religious official
- Single permit for an indefinite period
- Regularisation single permit
- Long term resident
- Seasonal worker
- Staff military graves
- Athlete
- Intern
- Specialized technician
- Volunteer "European Voluntary Service"
- Other cases
- Exemptions
- Annual obligation
- Inspections
- Useful contacts
- Submitting procedure
Your situation
- Work permits: what's new
- Professional card for self employed persons
Work permits for employees
- Private individual
- Activity domains