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Call for projects: "Women in business 2024"

15 May 2023

The Brussels-Capital Region is relaunching its call for projects to support female (candidate) entrepreneurs. This call has a total budget of 500,000 euros.


The transversal objective of this call for projects is to contribute to the promotion of female entrepreneurship and aims at supporting projects that fit into one of these two axes:

  • Axe 1: Guidance programs for women (candidate) entrepreneurs, from idea to boost
  • Axe 2: Programs, activities and events around mentoring, mutual aid and coaching, particularly supported by networks of female entrepreneurs.

Laureates can receive specific financial support between 40,000 and 100,0000 euros from the Region during 18 months.

Submit your application no later than 30 June 2024!

More info in French or Dutch


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