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Shortage occupation list

Only for application of article 9.20 of the Royal Decree of 09/06/1999 (long-term residents)

Architect (civil construction)

Dutch-speaking social worker

Formworker and scrap metal dealer

Typesetter (graphic designer)


Accountant (accounting clerk)

Accountant (employee accounting department)

Executive advisor (financial analyst)

Executive advisor (manager)

Executive advisor (sales manager)

Executive advisor (personnel director)

Executive advisor (project manager)

Architectural drafter

Mechanical drafter


Employee (social laws)

Employee (personnel department)

Employee at the legal department

Trading firm manager

Nurse (certificate)

Nurse (bachelor's degree)

Computer scientist (programmer analyst)

Computer scientist (other)

Computer scientist (network manager)

Computer scientist (helpdesk)

Computer scientist (software engineer)

Computer scientist (system engineer)

Computer scientist (programmer)

Computer scientist (maintenance technician (software and hardware))

Computer scientist (web designer)

Computer scientist (web developer)

Computer scientist (web master)

Electro-mechanical engineer-technician

Public and private works engineer

Sanitary installer (plumber/pipe fitter)

Pre-school and primary school teacher

Mason and tile-layer (polyvalent mason)

Car and lorry mechanic - Mechanic repairman of motor vehicles

Scaffolding builder

English teacher lower secondary school

Dutch teacher lower secondary school

(Commercial) secretary

(Accounting) secretary

(Executive) secretary

Air conditioning technician

Electromechanical technician

Electronic technician

Digital data transmission and switching technician

Technician with a construction bachelor's degree

Technician with an electricity bachelor's degree

Technician with an electromechanics bachelor's degree

Technician with an electronics bachelor's degree



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