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2023 edition of the project call "Diversity & anti-discrimination"

It is addressed to all private associations and local authorities that want to develop projects in that sense. The reward is a financial support of at, content Read more: "Voir aussi, Actualités" …

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Call for projects urban agriculture 2024

The main purpose of this call for projects is to significantly increase the city's self-sufficiency in food supply through innovative, sustainable pro, content Read more: "Voir aussi, Actualités…

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Professional card for non-European nationals

Would you like to work as a self-employed professional in the Brussels-Capital Region? Would you like to set up your business as a natural person or as the agent of a company or association (paid or gratuitous)? You…

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The Regional Employment Inspection

Competences The Regional Employment Inspection is in charge of inspection and supervision in the following areas: Employment of foreign workers (for instance, investigations before issuing a single working and…

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List of situations that are exempted to a work permit

People who are allowed to work in Belgium without a work permit because of their residence situation nationals of member states of the European Economic Area, as well as the nationals of the Swiss Confederation …

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Single permit application

If the duration of the employment in Belgium exceeds 90 days (in case of successive jobs without any interruption, the previous periods are taken into account to calculate the 90 days): Prepare the necessary annexes (…

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Work permit application

If the duration of the employment in Belgium is maximum 90 days (in case of successive jobs without any interruption, the previous periods are taken into account to calculate the 90 days), you need to submit the…

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Other case

Then you can obtain an employment authorisation (employer) and a single permit or work permit (employee), only if it proves impossible to find a competent employee on the Brussels labour market. To determine this,…

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Single permit application

If the duration of the employment in Belgium exceeds 90 days (in case of successive jobs without any interruption, the previous periods are taken into account to calculate the 90 days): Prepare the necessary annexes (…

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Work permit application

If the duration of the employment in Belgium is maximum 90 days (in case of successive jobs without any interruption, the previous periods are taken into account to calculate the 90 days), you need to submit the…

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