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Sustainable economy

Does your business model foster a sustainable economy? Check the support measures available!  

The sustainable economy takes account of social and environmental aspects that can meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

The development of a sustainable economy is a major priority for the Brussels-Capital Region.

In March 2022, the regional government launched an economic strategy - the "Shifting Economy" - aimed at moving the Brussels economy towards sustainability (decarbonated, regenerative, circular, social, democratic and digital economy).

Brussels Economy and Employment already offers substantial support if your sustainable business model is part of the circular or social economy. See this support below!

Support for sustainable production: the circular economy

Does your company limit its use of non-renewable raw materials and its production of waste? Are you actively reusing or optimising?
If so, apply for accreditation as a company involved in the circular economy and receive a 10% increase in various grants from Brussels Economy and Employment.

Your circular project can also receive support through the annual "be.circular" call for projects, which provides funding of up to €200,000 per project!

May 2024 saw the birth of "Shift My Enterprise", a new guidance offering to help you gradually transition your offering or your business model towards greater social and environmental sustainability! 

Support for social, democratic & sustainable entrepreneurship

Social and democratic enterprises are important players that contribute to the economic transition by providing local, non-relocatable jobs and leading innovative social and/or environmental practices.

Get your company certified as a social enterprise so you can enjoy the following benefits!
By being certified and responding to the annual "social economy" call for projects, you could receive financial support of up to €80,000 per project.

You can enjoy increased grants all year round, by being certified as a social enterprise.

Lastly, if your company targets the socio-professional integration of workers, it can ask to be mandated by the regional Minister of Employment and receive specific funding.


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