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Prices of the analyses

BRUCEFO operates a transparent price policy. On this page, you will find an overview of our competitive prices per analysis package.

Do you need the correct label on your product packaging to persuade a customer or to comply with regulations?

For one or more of these parameters, would you like research reports that are internationally recognised?

BRUCEFO is at your service with advice and analyses. Below you can find a selection from our extensive range of more than 400 different analyses.

Please feel free to ask for a customised quotation, so that our experts can select the most suitable analyses, together with you.

Price table

Analyses Rate per sample
Nutritional composition without fibers (conform EU-regulation)

204,50 €

Nutritional composition with fibers

305,50 €


as from 90,00 €

Colour measurement

31,00 €

Water activity

13,00 €

Vitamins (depending on the type)

40,00 > 120,00 €

Sodium (salt)

27,50 €

Alcoholic degree

25,00 €


40,00 €

Chemical drinkability water

55,00 €

Microbiological drinkability water

as from 44,00 €

Stability (canned food)

39,00 €

Total aerobic germ count

9,00 €

Other microbiological parameters in food

9,00 > 39,50 €

Good to know:

  • Depending on the number of analyses and samples, you may be granted a discount. The above prices * are without discount. In the case of different analyses, the price becomes cheaper if different parameters are examined together. This is e.g. the case with vitamins, minerals, polyols,...
  • BRUCEFO is not subject to VAT.

(* Prices take the 2020 indexation into account)

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