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Employment Department

Brussels Economy and Employment supports the creation of employment in Brussels in a number of ways.

This department is in charge of:

  • handling requests for work permits and professional cards for foreign workers
  • inspection of companies regarding compliance with legislation concerning the use of foreign workers
  • handling requests for reimbursement for paid educational leave and for the Fund for Professional Experience
  • granting subsidies to projects aimed at supporting employment
  • authorization of private employment agencies (temping, recruitment and selection, outplacement) and verification that legal obligations are observed
  • authorization and funding of social enterprises
  • authorization of service voucher companies
  • inspection of private employment agencies and service voucher companies
  • performing discrimination tests during recruitment procedures

The controls are carried out by the Regional Employment Inspection.


Key annual figures

  • Around 14,000 work permit requests examined
  • 1,450 requests for reimbursement of paid educational leave and a budget of 12 million euros
  • 212 million euros dedicated to the system of service vouchers
    and almost 400 companies approved to operate with service vouchers in the Brussels-Capital Region
  • Over 9 million euros to support the social economy
  • 600 accredited private employment agencies in the Brussels-Capital Region
  • Recognition and funding of 108 companies and not-for-profit organisations in the social economy
  • Nearly 3,000 interventions at employers

Useful links

  • Starting a business
  • Job seeking
  • Trainings
  • Mobility

Check our useful links.

Activity reports

Activity reports are available in French or Dutch.

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