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Installation, assembling of a good or prototype tests

In the following cases, there is no need to submit an application with Brussels Economy and Employment.

The foreign national is employed by an employer established abroad. They are coming to Belgium to carry out prototype tests for vehicles or tests of prototypes developed by an accredited research institution, during at most four weeks a year.

You do not need to ask Brussels Economy and Employment for employment authorisation in order to work in Belgium. (automatic exemption by virtue of article 2,30 of the royal decree dated 9 June 1999) Exemption limited to the duration of the prototype test.

The foreign national is employed by an employer established abroad. They are coming to Belgium for at most eight days, for the initial assembly and/or the first installation of a good. 

This service, fulfilled by employees of the company delivering the good, is an essential part of a contract for the delivery of goods and is necessary to start up the delivered good.
This exemption is not valid for activities in the construction sector. 

You do not need to ask Brussels Economy and Employment for employment authorisation in order to work in Belgium. (automatic exemption by virtue of article 2,31 of the royal decree dated 9 June 1999)

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