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Prior declaration form (private)

Once you meet the conditions and have requested the necessary documents, you can prepare and send your application to register your tourist accommodation.

Complete the prior declaration form

Download the declaration form prior to the operation (.pdf)

You will have to indicate to which category you belong.
Check the characteristics of each accommodation category defined in the regulations, in order to determine the category to which your accommodation belongs. Should you have any questions, please contact us.

Gather all the documents and submit the file

For each (type of) tourist accommodation, send us the following documents in electronic or paper format:


  1. Proof of identity and any extract(s) from criminal record(s):
    • proof of the identity of the operator;
    • an extract from the criminal record intended for a public administration, issued less than 3 months ago in the name of the operator;
    • if the declarant is not the operator: proof of the authorisation.
  2. A copy of the civil liability insurance contract for damage caused by the operator or his employees and proof of payment of the premium for the current year.
  3. If the operator is the owner: a copy of the property tax notice for the building in which the tourist accommodation establishment is located;
    If the operator is the tenant: a copy of the rental agreement and a written agreement from the owner on the use of this building for tourist accommodation.
  4. If the building is a condominium: a written agreement from the General Assembly of co-owners relating to the running a tourist accommodation establishment within the building.
  5. The fire safety certificate or, where applicable, the simplified inspection certificate.
    If you have not received your certificate yet, for the time being, attach proof of your request to the municipality.
  6. The certificate showing that the tourist accommodation establishment complies with the applicable legal provisions in terms of land management and urban planning.
    If you have not received your certificate yet, for the time being, attach proof of your request to the municipality.
  7. A plan indicating at least: the levels of the establishment concerned by the tourist accommodation activity, the precise destination of each level concerned, the places accessible only to tourists, any private places.
    This plan can be a plan without scale for establishments in the categories "tourist residences" and "home-stay accommodations", with a maximum capacity of fewer than 10 people and where the operator has established their main residence. For all other types of accommodation: this plan must be a 1/100, 1/200 or 1/500 scale plan.
    It can be made by yourself.
  8. Photographs of the tourist accommodation establishment illustrating the location of the accommodation, the description of the premises and the services provided by the tourist accommodation establishment.


Download the checklist of the documents to be sent (.pdf)

Do you have a question or a remark?
Contact us!

Send your file

  • by e-mail to or
  • by registered mail to:
    Brussels Economy and Employment - Economy Department
    Place Saint-Lazare 2
    1035 Bruxelles

Following your request, we will send you an acknowledgement of receipt.

Do you plan to operate multiple tourist accommodations?

If you wish to operate multiple types of tourist accommodation (within the same establishment or in different establishments), you must meet the conditions and send a "prior declaration file" for each establishment for each accommodation category.

Example: To operate a home-stay accommodation and a tourist residence, you must meet the conditions and complete a "prior declaration" file for the home-stay accommodation and you must meet the conditions and complete a "prior declaration" file for the tourist residence.

Receive the registration number of your tourist accommodation

When your file is complete and in conformity, Brussels Economy and Employment will grant you a registration number. You will receive a logo, to be affixed near the entrance of your accommodation. It is only then that you will be able to start running your accommodation.

You are then also authorised to use certain designations (guest house, city gîte), as long as your accommodation is registered in the category that corresponds to that designation.

Logo's for tourist accommodations
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