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Do you need to register the accommodation establishment?

This applies to you if you wish to offer accommodation

  • to individuals travelling for private or professional purposes, for a minimum of one night and a maximum of 90 days,
  • for a charge and
  • located in the Brussels Capital Region (Anderlecht, Auderghem, Berchem-Sainte-Agathe, Bruxelles-ville, Etterbeek, Evere, Forest, Ganshoren, Ixelles, Jette, Koekelberg, Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, Saint-Gilles, Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, Schaerbeek, Uccle, Watermael-Boitsfort, Woluwe-Saint-Lambert and Woluwe-Saint-Pierre).
  • A 'home-stay accommodation' must be offered to accommodate guests for at least four months a year. Otherwise, you cannot operate the accommodation establishment as tourist accommodation.

  • As long as the accommodation is offered for free, you are not affected by this regulation and you do not have to register your accommodation.

  • If you plan to have a student or an intern rent your accommodation establishment for more than 90 days: you are not affected by this regulation.

    If you plan to have a student or an intern rent your accommodation for 90 days or fewer: you must register your accommodation establishment and meet the obligations presented here.

  • You are not affected by this regulation.

You cannot start running the accommodation establishment until it has been registered.

You must register your accommodation establishment and meet certain conditions before you can start to run it. You then have to continue to meet those conditions as long as you run your accommodation establishment.
Inspectors are monitoring compliance with the regulations. They carry out inspections and can impose fines.


To register your tourist accommodation establishment, you must send us a "prior declaration file".

This file consists of a form and a series of documents. Some of those documents take time to obtain. They should be given priority.
We advise you to proceed in the following order:

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