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Work permit application

Highly qualified worker / Director - NSSO in Belgium - maximum 90 days in Belgium

(art. 9,6 and 9,7 royal decree 9 June 1999)

If the duration of the employment in Belgium is of maximum 90 days (in case of successive and uninterrupted jobs, the previous periods are taken into account to calculate the 90 days), you need to submit the following documents:

  1. Form
     Authorisation application to employ a foreign worker for maximum 90 days - Employer in Belgium (in French (.pdf) or in Dutch (.pdf))
  2. Medical certificate of the Immigration Office for a foreign worker, in accordance with article 14 of the royal decree dated 9 June 1999 (in French (.pdf) or in Dutch (.pdf))
  3. Other required documents (.pdf)

This concerns you if the yearly remuneration of the worker exceeds the following amount should you file your application in 2023:

  • director: 78.704 euros (seconded: 6.558,70 € x 12 ; NSSO in Belgium: 5.654,05 € x 13,92),
  • highly qualified worker: 47.174 euros (seconded: 3.931.17 x 12 ; NSSO in Belgium: 3.388,94 € x 13,92).

Should you file your application in 2024:

  • director: 83.936 euros (seconded: 6.994,67 euros x 12 ; NSSO in Belgium: 6.029,89 euros x 13,92),
  • highly qualified worker: 50.310 euros (seconded: 4.192,50 euros x 12 ; NSSO in Belgium: 3.614,22 euros x 13,92).

Please note, if the renewal of an authorisation entails total employment of more than 90 days, you must apply for a permit via the single procedure - and not a work permit.

What is the procedure?

Procedure work permit


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