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Obligations to be met after the registration

Is your tourist accommodation registered? Here are the obligations to be respected throughout its operation, in terms of taxation, insurance, maintenance, fire safety, information, ... In the event of a change to the tourist accommodation or its operator, you must contact Brussels Economy and Employment.

Meeting the obligations

At all times, the operator must continue to meet all of the conditions. When the accommodation establishment is registered, the operator must also meet the following obligations.

1) Inform

1.1) Display the logo and the registration number

  • As soon as you have received your logo (plaque), affix it near the entrance of your tourist accommodation establishment in a visible way. This logo remains the property of the Brussels Capital Region.
    As long as your accommodation establishment is registered, you are free to reproduce the logo as you wish as part of a communication campaign or advertisement aimed at travellers.
  • Also to be displayed (or to be provided in written form to tourists):
    • the registration number of the accommodation establishment
    • and, in case the operator is a legal entity, contact details of the natural person in charge of the daily management of the tourist accommodation establishment.

1.2) Publish the registration number in your advertisements

In the published advertisements for your potential customers, indicate:

  • the registration number of the accommodation establishment and
  • its contact details.

1.3) Communicate your statistical data

At the request of the FPS Economy, you will have to communicate your statistical data to the Directorate General Statistics of the FPS Economy: number of overnight stays, number of accommodations units...

2) Be insured

You must continue to have a civil liability insurance for damage caused by yourself or your employees.

3) Pay your taxes

You must meet both regional and federal tax obligations.
For more information on the regional tax, please check the website of "Bruxelles Fiscalité". For more information on the income tax, please contact the Federal Public Service Finance. You could also contact your federation.

This does not fall within the field of competence of Brussels Economy and Employment.

4) Request the renewal of the fire safety certificate

The simplified inspection certificate / fire safety certificate that you were granted to register your accommodation establishment is valid for five years.

Six months before its expiration date:

Request the renewal of the simplified inspection certificate (in French) 

Request the renewal of the simplified inspection certificate (in Dutch)


Request the renewal of the fire safety certificate (in French)

Request the renewal of the fire safety certificate (in Dutch)

5) Maintain the accommodation establishment and its equipment

You are required to maintain the tourist accommodation establishment in good condition in terms of hygiene and upkeep.

You must also meet all of the obligations set out in this section, especially those concerning the equipment to be offered in the tourist accommodation establishment.

6) Be of good character and moral conduct and respect the social regulations

You must obviously also respect the applicable labour and social security regulations as well as the collective labour conventions.

In case of change: contact Brussels Economy and Employment

  • In some cases, you must request the modification of your registration

    You must proceed to modify the registration of your tourist accommodation establishment if you find yourself in one of the following cases:

    • the maximum total capacity becomes more than 9 individuals (in the entire building, including the tourist accommodation that you do not own);
    • you will add or remove certain services provides;
    • you will increase the basic capacity of the accommodation establishment;
    • you will modify any other data included in your prior declaration file of activity and/or in one of the annexes;
    • you will simultaneously run at least 6 accommodations(expand-title);
    • you will create new premises intended for tourists such as a room, kitchen, meeting room or living room; you will carry out a transformation requiring an urban planning permit; you will install or modify pipes and devices; major works to fit out lifts will be carried out...

    Request a modification of the registration of your tourist accommodation establishment (in French) (.pdf) 

    Request a modification of the registration of your tourist accommodation establishment (in Dutch) (.pdf) 

    Make sure you specify which data have been modified.
    Attach to your form any certificates of conformity concerning the modified or installed installations and equipment.

    Send your file  

    • by e-mail to or
    • by registered mail to: 
      Brussels Economy and Employment - Economy Department
      Place Saint-Lazare 2
      1035 Brussels

    Following your request, we will indicate which additional documents, if any, are required.

  • The transferee must submit a new 'prior declaration file' for registration.

  • You are required to

    • notify the termination of activity to Brussels Economy and Employment by registered mail;
    • no longer use or reproduce the logo;
    • give the logo (plate) back to Brussels Economy and Employment.

Read more and register your accommodation

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